Software Workshop
Software development, web design & technology consultants

Low Cost DCC File Downloads

This page contains all the file downloads available for the LC-DCC Low Cost DCC Controller solution from SWWS. The STM32F411RE and STM32F103 .zip files include binary files to manage current outputs from 3.2amps, 6.4amps, 9.6amps and 12.8amps.

The controllers and software support the following NMRA features:

  »  7-bit & 14-bit engine addresses
  »  Engine functions F0 (FL) to F28 for light and sound
  »  28 & 128 engine speed steps
  »  Accessory decoder control
  »  CV programming
  »  Analogue volume control


 LC-DCC Basics10-APRIL-2020
 Software Users Guide24-APRIL-2020
 LC-DCC Serial/Bluetooth/WIFI Command Reference22-APRIL-2020
 Hardware Construction Guide24-APRIL-2020

To verify binary MD5 values in the following tables you can download for free from MicroSoft the program FCIV.EXE. The program can be download from this link.

LC-DCC Application Files

The following table contains all the Windows, Linux and Android application files for version 2.2 of the LC-DCC system.
The Linux applications are currently tested on Ubuntu 18.04.4 and Fedora 31 for X86-64 and Raspberry Pi-2B for ARM-32 using Pi Linux 4.19.97-v7+ #1294.
Android applications are currently tested with Android versions 4.4.2 (Samsung tablet), 6.0.1 (Samsung phone) and 10 (Huawei phone).

ApplicationDownload LinkMD5Updated
 Windows XP,7,8,10  Download  8cf3ef4cb76c7b74071a6789927a610f 27-APRIL-2020
 Linux X86-64  Download  ed52d271f2e8c3c15cb7afe7b7d276b6 27-APRIL-2020
 Linux ARM-32  Download  27a0877bf6655f7901f529456b7f3e63 27-APRIL-2020
 Android Bluetooth Application  Download  7a42fee9e5a5b5d5fc645fbef8ef6702 28-APRIL-2020
 Android Voice Application  Download  2fa1661c70719c03731747a204c2128e 28-APRIL-2020

LC-DCC Controller Files

The following table contains all the programming files for 2.2 of the LC-DCC controller.

LC-DCC M3/M4 Controller Programming FilesDownload LinkMD5Updated
 STM32F103 wifi  Download  e364c593df1bf4ef57de88bfeeb0c160 27-APRIL-2020
 STM32F103 blue pill without ADC potentiometer support  Download  986ba20af38987f68fbbc0c72e9057a5 27-APRIL-2020
 STM32F103 black pill without ADC potentiometer support  Download  1269cf44d2c0849864c78043460ee3dd 27-APRIL-2020
 STM32F103 blue pill with ADC potentiometer support  Download  f9db3541b0717882fcdef884ee4fd719 27-APRIL-2020
 STM32F103 black pill with ADC potentiometer support  Download  2449d332f0c9a597a5fc21dfe1cffc43 27-APRIL-2020
 STM32F411 without ADC potentiometer support  Download  f569a3ad1ccb8f1d5139b13a55abe9c0 27-APRIL-2020
 STM32F411 with ADC potentiometer support  Download  642bf438a8c188904a3c8d38dbc628d6 27-APRIL-2020


The following table contains various software applications for both LC-DCC and DCC.

DescriptionDownload LinkMD5
 M3/M4 LC-DCC Bluetooth setup terminal programming files Download  1a9ba90f70b8ed15797fad67764217cc
 Arduino DCC packet decoder Download  1a9ba90f70b8ed15797fad67764217cc

Legacy programming files and documentation

The following table contains all previous LC-DCC system releases and documentation.

DescriptionDownload LinkMD5
 Version 1.7 Legacy Documentation Open  
 Version 2.1 LC-DCC controller programming files Download  a3152550d9d72096aed9e7b7b2b0dfc3
 Version 2.1 Windows/Android application files Download  988ed51c5856645808876a660eab94cf

To verify binary MD5 values in the tables above you can download for free from MicroSoft the program FCIV.EXE. The program can be download from this link.

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